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Preserve blood plasma samples for future use

blood vials


Preserve and store your blood plasma sample for future testing. You can access your series of samples not only for BrainHealth biomarker testing, but also for other health concerns.

Biobanking requires BrainHealth Membership and purchase of Blood Biomarkers.  


What to Expect

Requires BrainHealth Membership and purchase of Blood Biomarkers

Order online
Order online and receive an email with a blood test request form for a lab near you.
Schedule lab visit
Schedule an appointment with the lab.
Collect your sample
The lab partner will draw your blood and send the sample to the CLIA-certified laboratory.
Bank your blood plasma
Your blood plasma will be sent automatically to the biobank for later use, and you’ll receive a certificate of preservation.
  • Why biobanking is helpful
  • What biobanking includes
  • Who biobanking is for

Why Biobanking Is Helpful

  • Advancements in biomarkers Researchers are continuing to find new biomarkers to identify changes in brain health. As new biomarkers are found, preserved blood samples can be tested for these biomarker trendlines.

  • Access to targeted therapies as they are developed We work closely with pharmaceutical companies for potential complementary and companion biomarker opportunities. This means that as new treatments are developed, you’ll have greater access to participate in clinical trials or to understand the effectiveness of a treatment based on your biomarker profile.

  • Additional health indicators Stored blood samples allow testing of biomarkers for a variety of other health concerns, beyond neurodegenerative conditions.

What Biobanking Includes

Your blood plasma will be preserved so that you can access it for future use.

The blood is stored in freezers similar to those used by major research institutions inside a storage vault where they are monitored for the smallest of temperature changes.

Who Biobanking Is For

those who want to:

  • track changes to their brain health over time

  • monitor the positive impacts of lifestyle changes

  • maintain samples in order to potentially help identify and track other eventual health conditions

What is blood plasma?

Blood plasma is the clear, yellowish liquid component of blood that makes up about 55% of total blood volume. It is a complex mixture of water, proteins, electrolytes, hormones, and other molecules that helps to maintain the body's balance, transport nutrients, and remove waste. Plasma contains proteins like albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen, electrolytes like sodium and potassium, hormones, enzymes, and waste products such as urea and creatinine. Plasma is used for medical purposes, such as the production of plasma-derived therapies, diagnostic testing, and medical research.
blood plasma


Why does BrainHealth biobank blood plasma rather than whole blood?

There are several reasons why blood plasma is banked instead of whole blood:

  • Longer storage time: Plasma can be stored for a longer period of time than whole blood. This is because plasma can be frozen and stored for several years without significant degradation, whereas whole blood can only be stored for a few weeks before the blood cells start to break down.

  • Versatility: Whole blood can only be used for transfusions. Plasma can be used for conducting medical research or biomarker testing.

  • Ease of processing: Plasma can be processed more easily than whole blood. This is because plasma can be separated from the blood cells using a centrifuge, whereas whole blood requires more complex processing methods.

How is blood plasma stored? The processed plasma is stored in a biobank, which is a specialized facility designed to maintain the integrity and stability of biological samples over long periods of time. Plasma samples are stored at very low temperatures (-80°C) in special freezers. This helps to prevent degradation of the plasma and ensures that it remains viable for future use.
Are my samples secure? Samples will never be shared with third parties or outside sources without your consent.

The laboratory services are for informational purposes only. It is not the intention of NeuroVision Imaging, Inc. and contractors to provide specific medical advice but rather to provide users with information to better understand their health. Specific medical advice including diagnosis and treatment will not be provided. Always seek the advice of a trained health professional for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Both the physician and the testing laboratory are independent contractors with whom NeuroVision Imaging, Inc. makes arrangements for your blood tests. Neither NeuroVision Imaging, Inc. nor contractors will be liable for any acts or omissions of the physician, the testing laboratory, or their agents or employees.