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BrainHealth tour - cognitive health is within your power

Your cognitive health is within your power

Signs of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative conditions appear in your brain and blood 10-20 years before you experience symptoms.

BrainHealth’s validated biomarkers and risk assessment identify your potential risks to help guide your personal brain health journey.

BrainHealth tour - learn genetic risks

Learn your genetic risks

The at-home APOE cheek-swab test identifies genetic risks for Alzheimer’s. We send your swab to a CLIA-certified lab for processing and the results will arrive within days. An included 20-minute consultation with our BrainHealth Educator puts you on the path to action.

BrainHealth Tour - take action

Take action & track progress

There is now significant evidence that lifestyle changes may prevent or delay symptoms of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative conditions. Our app will help you create new sleep, diet, exercise, and intellectually stimulating habits to boost and protect brain health.

BrainHealth Tour - test biomarkers

Test your biomarkers

Our multiplex blood biomarker tests identify signs of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Review your results in an included 20-minute consultation with a BrainHealth Educator.

BrainHealth Tour - bank your blood

Bank your blood plasma

Add secure biobanking to track changes to your biomarkers over time and to keep for reference in the event of other health concerns.

BrainHealth Tour - find clinical trials

Find clinical trials

Your APOE and biomarker data allows us, in partnership with the Global Alzheimer's Platform, to help find appropriate clinical research trials.

BrainHealth Tour - consult with a doctor

Consult with a doctor

As necessary, BrainHealth can refer you to a medical doctor trained in brain health for consultation on any cognitive symptoms you might be experiencing. Take a cognitive assessment with a neuropsychologist under the direction of a doctor.

BrainHealth Tour - precision treatments

Pursue precision treatments

With a full set of data, precision medicine approaches utilizing your individual biomarker profile for clinical trials and treatments is within reach.

Take the next step

Schedule a free consultation to learn about how lifestyle changes can delay cognitive decline, and how our BrainHealth Educators can guide you through your brain health journey.

Curious about your own risk? Take our free risk assessment.